Rita uses Nixplay to keep her parents up-to-date about their grandchildren

My name is Rita. My husband and I have two children. I have bought the Nixplay for my parents. It was a way for us to share what was going on in the children's lives with my parents remotely. Because they've never lived in the same town.


Rita: My name is Rita. My husband and I have two children. We live in Winchester, Massachusetts. And my parents live in Yakima, Washington. My parents have always been quite involved in my children's lives.

Jim(Rita's dad): Well, we're involved as much as we can be. We don't live in the same city.

Rita: I have bought the Nixplay for my parents. It was a way for us to share what was going on in the children's lives with my parents remotely. Because they've never lived in the same town.

The Nixplay frame allows them to see immediate pictures of the kids at their sporting events or any family events we might have that they weren't able to join us on.

And I think in general, photos elicit so many memories and it allows for a bonding experience.

Elaine(Rita's mom): It's just nice to see all the pictures of the activities, things they have done, just walk through the room and they're they're playing.

Jim(Rita's dad): And I'll see some picture of maybe one of our grandchildren from some years back, reflecting on how they're growing.

Elaine(Rita's mom): Just sort of a nice remembrance!

NOTE: Nixplay has renamed it’s ‘playlists’ functionality to ‘albums’ since this article was first published

It's just nice to see all the pictures of the activities, things they have done, just walk through the room and they're there playing. And I'll see some picture of maybe one of our grandchildren from some years back, reflecting on how they're growing. Just sort of a nice remembrance!

– Jim & Elaine (Rita’s dad & mom)