
Create, share and connect to a variety of album types and then assign them to your Nixplay frame to relive the memories.

On 21st of April, we will be changing our Standard plan to a Basic plan with some reduced limits LEARN MORE

Standard albums

Nixplay albums which you created but haven’t shared with anyone else.
  • Create unlimited standard albums
  • 500MB photo storage
  • 500MB video storage (max 15 secs duration)
  • Crop and rotate your uploaded photos and videos
  • Drag and drop to organize photos and videos
  • Play the album on a Nixplay frame
  • Create unlimited standard albums
  • 100GB photo storage
  • 5GB video storage (max 1 min duration)
  • 10 min maximum NixCast broadcasts
  • Crop and rotate your uploaded photos and videos
  • Drag and drop to organize photos and videos
  • Play the album on a Nixplay frame
  • Create unlimited standard albums
  • Unlimited photo storage
  • 50GB video storage (max 2 min duration)
  • Unlimited duration NixCast broadcasts
  • Crop and rotate your uploaded photos and videos
  • Drag and drop to organize photos and videos
  • Play the album on a Nixplay frame
Click to restart the animation

Shared albums

Nixplay albums which have been shared with 1 or more people. These can include albums shared by me, albums shared with me, event albums and gift albums.
  • Create 1 shared album
  • Share each album with 3 family and friends
  • Crop and rotate your uploaded photos and videos
  • Drag and drop to organize photos and videos
  • Play the album on a Nixplay frame
  • Create unlimited shared albums
  • Share each album with 10 family and friends
  • 10 min maximum NixCast broadcasts
  • Crop and rotate your uploaded photos and videos
  • Drag and drop to organize photos and videos
  • Play the album on a Nixplay frame
  • Create unlimited shared albums
  • Share each album with 10 family and friends
  • Unlimited duration NixCast broadcasts
  • Crop and rotate your uploaded photos and videos
  • Drag and drop to organize photos and videos
  • Play the album on a Nixplay frame
Click to restart the animation

Connected albums

Albums which has been linked to your Nixplay account. These include Google Photos albums, Dropbox albums and Nixplay competition albums.
  • Not available in Basic plan
  • Connect unlimited Google Photos albums
  • Connect 1 Dropbox album
  • Auto sync the latest 2000 photos per album
  • 10 min maximum NixCast broadcasts
  • Play the album on a Nixplay frame
  • Connect unlimited Google Photos albums
  • Connect unlimited Dropbox albums
  • Auto sync the latest 2500 photos per album
  • Unlimited duration NixCast broadcasts
  • Play the album on a Nixplay frame

Events albums

Nixplay albums which you create for special events and to which your event attendees can contribute to as the event happens.
  • Not available in Basic plan
  • Create unlimited event albums
  • 10 min maximum NixCast broadcasts
  • Attendees download the NixEvents app and scan a QR code to join / upload photos to the album (No registration required)
  • Organiser approves uploaded photos before they are added to the album
  • Create unlimited event albums
  • Unlimited duration NixCast broadcasts
  • Attendees download the NixEvents app and scan a QR code to join / upload photos to the album (No registration required)
  • Organiser approves uploaded photos before they are added to the album
Click to restart the animation