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How we compare
We compared our flagship model against the competition. Why? Because we believe Nixplay offers the best price and features of any digital photo frame on the market. We constantly invest in the development of new features and upgrades to make your experience better - plus there's no subscription necessary!
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Classic Matte (W10P)
Carver Mat
Display 10.1" (1280x800)
Display 10.1" (1280x800)
Display 10.1" (1280x800)
Aspect Ratio 16:10
Aspect Ratio 16:10
Aspect Ratio 16:10
Dual orientation
(Auto rotate photos based on orientation)
Landscape orientation only
Landscape orientation only
AI face framing
AI face framing auto positions your
faces on the frame smartly
Unlimited photo cloud storage
5GB video cloud storage
(with frame storage)
No cloud storage
(only has frame storage)
Unlimited cloud storage
(with frame storage)
Mobile, web app, email photo upload
Mobile & email photo upload
Mobile app photo upload
Social media photos upload (Google Photos, Dropbox, Instagram, Flickr)
Social media photos upload (Google Photo)
No (Subscription required)
No (Subscription required)
Family sharing(connect 5 frames)
No (Subscription required)
No (Subscription required)
Cast photos and videos to a
big screen (SmartTV, web browser)
Nixcast, our exciting new development that lets you enjoy your favorite Nixplay content on your smart TV
Common features
WiFi and offline mode Gift setup: add photos and greeting messages in advance for a personalized gift Built-in speakers
*Sources: and
How we beat the competition
Relive memories effortlessly with Nixplay's digital frames. Sync with devices and cloud services for vibrant displays of family moments. Transform any space into a personal gallery with elegance and technology. Stay connected and inspired with Nixplay, showcasing life's beautiful moments.
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"A great gift for any far-flung relative"
"A thoughtful gift someone on your list is going to appreciate"
"Best looking HD digital photo frame available"
"Brings those memorable experiences to life"
Get the one that matches your loved ones vibe.
15" Smart Wi-Fi Digital Frame
10" HD Touch Screen Matted
10" HD Touch Screen Ltd Edition
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Multi-shipping FAQ
When and where will I see the multi-shipping option during my order journey?
When more than one (1) digital photo frame is added to cart, a checkbox will appear on the cart slider/cart page.
This option will allow you to order 2 or more frames and send them to different locations at the same time through the same checkout experience without having to enter different shipping addresses one by one.
The multi-shipping option is not showing up / greyed out. Why is that?
This can happen due to 3 reasons:
When only one (1) digital photo frame is added to cart.
When a print store product is added to cart. Please note print products are not supported for delivery through multi-shipping and need to be ordered separately.
When Nixplay Plus subscription is added to cart together with more than one (1) digital photo frame.
At this step, the multi-shipping option will show as “Not applicable - Learn More”. To avoid this:
Simply purchase the Nixplay Plus subscription separately first and activate your account.
Next login to your account directly at Nixplay store and enjoy 25% off the digital photo frames and you will notice the multi-shipping option is now available.
Why can’t I order both the Nixplay Plus subscription and use multi-shipping option at the same time?
This is because the multi-shipping option cannot recognize subscription-based products and therefore the Nixplay Plus subscription needs to be ordered separately.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Rest assure, our engineers are working hard to find a solution and make this a 1 step journey. In the meantime, please follow the steps shared above to place your order while using the multi-shipping option.
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