How do I redeem gift content on my existing account?

How do I redeem gift content on my existing account?

If you already have a Nixplay account and have received a gifted frame along with a gift code from your family or friends, here's how you can redeem the gift content on your existing account:
  1. After setting up the WiFi, when prompted to set up your frame, please select the “I don’t have a gift code” option.
  2. Once your frame is paired, navigate to the settings page.
    Within the settings, you will find a “Gift Code” option. This option is visible only if your frame supports redeeming content via a gift code and if the frame hasn't been redeemed before.​
  3. Input the gift code; the format always consists of 3 letters followed by 5 numbers.
  4. Provide the email that was given to you as part of the gift code.
What if I've Already Redeemed the Gift Code?
If you've already redeemed the gift code, it's important to note that when setting up the frame as a gift, our system automatically generates an account linked to the provided email address. If you wish to transfer the photos to your personal account, you have the option to share the Gift Album with your personal Nixplay Account.